Conscientious Exemptions and the Immunizations Emergency Rule
Required Immunization Link for Pre-Kindergarten
The following is in regards to a question about Conscientious Exemptions and the Immunizations Emergency Rule:
The DSHS Immunizations Division would like to emphasize that the new (temporary) provisional enrollment only applies to the vaccines listed in the emergency rule (varicella, Tdap, and meningococcal vaccine). If children (parents) are claiming conscientious exemption for vaccines other than those listed in the TAC New Rule §97.73, but they are waiting on, or have not filed the form for these other vaccines, they cannot be enrolled under the new (temporary) provisional enrollment. For example, if someone is claiming conscientious exemption for MMR, DTaP, Hep A, Hep B, or IPV, and they do not have the exemption affidavit, they cannot enroll until they submit the official, notarized affidavit from DSHS to the school.
For more information, please contact the DSHS Immunizations Division at 1-800-252-9152.
Remember: Bring your students current/up-to-date immunization record to school. If your student needs immunizations, the SISD School Nurses are available to immunize your student.