District & Campus Improvement Plans
District & Campus Improvement Plans
For the District, Smithville High School (SHS), Smithville Junior High School (SJHS), Smithville Elementary School (SES) and Brown Primary (BP).
The Smithville Independent School District reviews and revises the district and campus improvement plans on an annual basis. The revisions are made by the staff at each campus and the central administrative staff of the district. Site base committee members are involved in the development and revision of these plans.
The plans are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at a regular meeting each year. Board Goals, No Child Left Behind Performance Goals, and Texas Education Agency (State Board of Education) mandates are addressed in the improvement plans. Federal funds are linked to planned activities to fulfill the goals stated in the plans.
Use the links below to access Improvement Plans by district or campus. Each folder contains plans by year in English and Spanish.