Gifted & Talented
Smithville Independent School District
Gifted & Talented (G/T) Advanced Academics Program
2024-2025 School Year
Grades K-12
Purpose and Goal
The G/T program is designed to meet the needs of students with the potential to be gifted in the areas of general intellectual ability. Emphasis of the G/T program is on providing a learning environment and activities that will foster development of critical thinking, creative skills, problem-solving skills, and independent study/research skills. In addition, each child will be helped to develop a healthy self-concept and quality peer relations. This will be accomplished through a curriculum that allows for advanced, as well as self-centered content matter, and the utilization of community-based resources.
The goal of our G/T Advanced Academics Program is to provide a differentiated and enriched academic environment. Instructional methods and materials are designed to develop complex thinking processes that enhance independent study and personal effectiveness.
Parents, community members, counselors and teachers, as well as students themselves, may nominate potential candidates. Nomination forms may be found at each campus or in our GT Handbook. Please see the campus principal for more information.
Deadlines for 2024-2025 School Year:
1st-12th Fall Testing: Nominate by 9/27/24
Kinder Fall Testing: Nominate by 11/15/24
Kinder-11th Spring Testing: Nominate by 3/28/25
Students currently enrolled in grades 1st – 12th are screened and tested for the G/T program in October with services beginning in late Fall. Students in Kindergarten are screened in late Fall with services beginning prior to the Spring semester. Students enrolled in grades 1st – 11th, not enrolled in the G/T program, will also be screened and tested in the spring of each school year. Transfer students identified as G/T are reviewed by a campus selection committee to determine placement.
Identified students in grades K – 5th are provided services within a specialized G/T classroom. At the junior high, Pre-AP classes, Destination Imagination and Texas Future Problem Solvers are offered for our identified G/T students. Our high school students receive G/T instruction through specialized G/T projects, Pre-AP and AP classes, and dual credit courses.
Assessment & Placement
Students are screened and assessed using some of the following assessment instruments:
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) (K-2nd)
Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales-Second Edition (K-12th)
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Third Edition (K – 12th)
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test-Eighth Edition (3rd – 12th)
STAAR – Academic Recognition (3rd – 12th)
SAGES-2 (K-3rd)
Math & Science, Language Arts & Social Studies
Teacher and Parent rating scales (K-12th) Selection into the G/T program will be determined by a campus committee. Admittance into the program will be based upon the screening and testing process setup using the district criteria as set forth by Board policy.
Questions concerning the G/T Advanced Academics Program can be addressed to the campus principal where the child attends school or to
Dr. Bethany Logan, Assistant Superintendent,