Mentoring in SISD

Smithville ISD Mentor Training Opportunity
Training Dates:
Training will take place at the Central Administration Office Building
located at 901 N.E. 6th Street
Smithville, Texas 78957
Provide us with your contact information so that we can email you when the next training date is scheduled.
For more information please contact
Lindsey Saunders, District Communications Officer at 512-237-2487 ext. 7275 or
The Smithville ISD Mentor Program offers the opportunity to members of the community to serve as a mentor, benefiting the students, the school district and the community. Through this program each mentor meets with a student once a week for thirty minutes to an hour. A positive mentor/mentee relationship can make a huge difference in the life of a young person. To ensure that your time and efforts are meaningful procedures were put in place.
All Mentors will complete a Mentor Application with a criminal history consent form and attend Mentor Training to be eligible for the program.
Mentors are required to acknowledge the statement of understanding and confidentiality form that is on the Mentor Application by signing the application.
Mentors are required to attend a training session before working with a young person their initial year of mentoring and a refresher training for subsequent years serving as a Mentor.
Mentors are to report to the main office of the assigned campus upon entering the school.
All mentoring will take place in a designated meeting space on campus.
Mentors are required by state law to report any information a student might share, or they suspect, that relates to harming themselves, harming others, and physical, sexual or emotional abuse. This information is to be shared with the counselor or school principal.
Mentors are not to use inappropriate language (profanity, language that is derogative to ethnic groups or language that is sexual in nature), wear inappropriate clothing or provide any medication to the student.
Mentors are discouraged from buying gifts for the student. In the event that you desire to purchase something for the mentee, check first with their counselor or Campus Mentor Facilitator.