Public Information Requests
The Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), Chapter 522 of the Texas Government Code, gives individuals the right to request access to government public information. Public information refers to information that is written, provided, collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business. The TPIA does not require Smithville ISD to create new documents, answer questions, or perform legal research. Additionally, certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of information.
For more information about the Texas Public Information Act, visit the Texas Attorney General website or browse the Public Information Act Handbook. Please also visit Smithville ISD Board Policy GBAA (Local) regarding access to public information.
Submit a Public Information Act Request to
To submit Public Information Act Request via mail, please send to:
Public Information Request (ATTN: Denise Behrens)
PO Box 479
Smithville, TX 78957
Requests should include:
Your full name and contact information
Heading for your correspondence entitled “Public Information Request”
Any person requesting public information has the responsibility to:
Submit the request to or mailed to the address and attention provided above.
Include enough description and detail of the information to allow the District to accurately identify and locate the items requested.
Clarify the type or amount of information requested when requested by the District.
Responses to Public Information Requests
Public Information Requests will receive a response within ten business days from the date the request is received by the District. Please note that requests sent after business hours or on the weekend will be considered received on the next business day.
On the 10th business day, the District will either:
produce the requested information,
notify the requestor that records will be produced after the 10th business day,
provide the requestor a cost estimate for production of the information requested,
request clarification from requestor regarding the information request, or
submit a request to the Attorney General for determination to release or withhold the information requested.
Smithville ISD will release requested information that is not confidential by law. If the information requested falls under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), contains certain personal information of a school employee or public official or contains any access device numbers maintained, assembled or collected by the District, the District will withhold that information.
For other information the District intends to withhold, a ruling will be requested from the Office of the Attorney General if applicable. The requestor will be sent a copy of the communications sent to the Attorney General.
Potential Costs for Production
The Texas Public Information Act allows a governmental body to recover costs relating to reproducing public information. Additionally, a request for copies that results in more than fifty (50) pages may be assessed charges for labor, overhead, and materials. If the estimated charges exceed $40.00, you will receive an itemized statement of estimated charges before any work is undertaken.
For the complete list of charges for copies of public information and standard costs, as adopted by the General Services Commission, go to: Chapter 70.3 of the Texas Administrative Code.
Days Exempt from Public Information Requests
A “business day” means a day other than:
A Saturday or Sunday;
A national holiday under Government Code section 662.003(a);
A state holiday under Government Code section 662.003(b); or
Any designated non-business days adopted by the governmental entity.
Smithville ISD Designated Non-Business Days
A district may designate a day on which the district's administrative offices are closed or operating with minimum staffing as a nonbusiness day. The Smithville ISD Board of Trustees has designated the following days as non-business days for the 24-25 school year:
November 28th and 29th, 2024
December 26th, 27th, 30th, and 31st, 2024
January 2nd and 3rd, 2025
March 20th and 21st, 2025
See Section 552.0031 of the Texas Government Code.