Community Facility Committee
he Smithville ISD Community Facility Committee, led by co-chairs Dennis Snyder and April Daniels, reported their recommendations to the Smithville ISD Board of Trustees on Monday, July 18. The recommendations and presentation from the committee are available for download on this page.
The architectural firm of O'Connell Robertson, incorporating the Facility Committee recommendations, presented a report to the school board on Monday, July 18 entitled, "Update & Report on Long Range Facility Master Plan and Future Bond", available for download here.
The SISD Community Facility Committee, comprised of community members and SISD staff, was formed in spring 2016 to study and evaluate the district’s facility needs and develop recommendations for a possible bond election. Their report, available on this web page, was presented to SISD’s Board of Trustees on Monday, July 19, 2016.
Facility Committee Recommendation to Board-July 18
Facility Committee Presentation-July 18
OConnell-Robertson Report on Long Range Facility Plan - July 18

Community Facility Committee