LOCATION CHANGE! Today's soccer camp is being held in the High School gym due to the rain.
Our Summer Feeding Program has kicked off and the first "Meals To Go" drop-off will be this Thursday, June 6th. Visit us at Lake Thunderbird or the Rosanky Community Center for to-go meals for your students (anyone 18 or under).
**Children must be present at pick-up**
Read the flyer for details: https://5il.co/1wocv
TODAY!!! Today is our last Early Registration Day for Pre-K and Kindergarten! Stop by Brown Primary between now and 12:30pm to fill out registration paperwork (or even just pick it up to turn in later)! We can't wait to meet our new Tigers!
If you aren't sure what you need to bring, or if your child will qualify for Pre-K, visit our Enrollment Page: https://www.smithvilleisd.org/page/enrollment
Don't miss out on the Kick-Off to Summer! May 30th at MLK Park! Free food and activities for all!
It's all coming to an end! Don't forget that this Friday, May 24th, is our last full day of school!
Make sure you:
- Check the Lost & Found at your child's campus
- Pick up medications from the campus nurse
- Turn in any library books you may have
We hope everyone has a great summer break!
More information about our EPC Camp , and a change to pricing (now FREE!). Parents who have already paid will be contacted about a refund via the email they provided. We look forward to working with these 7th-12th grade athletes throughout the Summer!
We had a full May Board Meeting last night! Here are the highlights:
⭐️ Pledge Leaders
⭐️ Student Recognitions
⭐️ Announcement of SES Principal Holly Brockman
⭐️ Tiger Award Winners
Monday is a BIG day for our Seniors! Awards ceremony that morning, and then Grad Walk starting at 1pm! Congratulations to all our graduating Seniors!
We are proud to announce a new edition to our SISD Central Office team! Welcome Mr. Sean Sanchez to Smithville ISD!
It's not too late to sign up for our summer camps! Check out all the available camps and register on the Hometown Ticketing website at https://bit.ly/3U4CjYg
DATE CHANGE! Baseball camp date has changed to June 10th-13th.
Reminder - This Saturday (5/18/2024) SISD is hosting our End of Year Bash in the Elementary Circle Drive from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
We have so much going on! Games, prizes, music, Kona Ice, magic tricks, Smithville Volunteer Fire Department, various organizations in our community and more!
For more information, check out the Parent Planning Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kzMBYVoW6SvZeB489dnEd4vqs6XAH7L26hDBvCB7UGk/edit?usp=sharing
DRILL IN PROGRESS: Please note that SES is conducting a lockdown drill. No one will be allowed on or off the campus during the drill. Thank you for your cooperation.
TODAY!!! Today is our 2nd Early Registration Day for Pre-K and Kindergarten! Stop by Brown Primary between now and 3pm to fill out registration paperwork (or even just pick it up to turn in later)! We can't wait to meet our new Tigers!
If you aren't sure what you need to bring, or if your child will qualify for Pre-K, visit our Enrollment Page: https://www.smithvilleisd.org/page/enrollment
Don't miss the final JH band concert of the year!
6th grade - 5:30pm
7th/8th grades - 7pm
We are passing the Tiger Torch to Samuel for simply "being awesome"! His teachers think he is great! Way to go, Samuel!
Today is National School Nurse Day! Thank you to these ladies who help our students each and every day!
Brittany Harper, RN - Brown Primary
Hillary Earp, LVN - Elementary
Lou Ann Peavy, Nurse Assistant - Elementary
Kim Hendrix, Nurse Assistant - Junior High
Sophie Weinheimer, RN - High School
Erin Seale, RN - High School and District Health Coordinator
We are passing the Tiger Torch to Levi and Kamryn! Without fail, one or both of these students makes sure the flags are put up every day at SES! They treat them with respect and dignity, and are such great leaders on campus. Way to go, Levi and Kamryn!
Hello Tiger Parents - Here is an opportunity to give us your feedback to be considered for the 24-25 school year and future parent activities! Please take time to fill out this survey to let us know where we are doing well, and how we can better help you to help your student. https://forms.gle/i1gf2ptUrbw4t89BA
Smithville Community - We are getting closer to the SISD End of Year Bash! This event has been designed to celebrate all of the SISD students with music, games and prizes. We will also have various organizations who provide resources in our community in attendance.
We would appreciate any donations for prizes for students, like stickers, candy or small fidget toys and/or prizes for SISD Teachers and Staff like gift cards to local restaurants, coffee shops etc.
We are still welcoming organizations/businesses/community members who would like to set up with prizes, set up a game or contribute to the event. If you would like to participate, please contact ACE Coordinator Mrs. Perez at dperez@smithvilleisd.org
If you plan to attend, please complete the interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1CBU9ke2ABKwz09E6y7lK0QPtGsD9F4SYFXrtBvBX-y7DDQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
For more information on the event, check out the planning sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kzMBYVoW6SvZeB489dnEd4vqs6XAH7L26hDBvCB7UGk/edit?usp=sharing
We are passing the Tiger Torch to Diego for being a great helper in class and showing true kindness toward his classmates! He always steps up to guide his friends who need a little extra help. Way to go, Diego!