
PHR 7 Quick Reference Guide

Immunization Requirements School Year

3 year olds and 4 year olds (PRE K)   üHIB and PCV not routinely administered to children ≥ 5 years of age.

4 doses of DTP, DTaP, DT 

3 doses of Polio 

1 dose of MMR1 on/after 1st birthday

3 doses of HIB with the 3rd dose given on/after 1st birthday and at least 2 months since dose #2 OR 1 dose on/after 15 months of age

4 doses of PCV2 with one given after 1st birthday OR 1 dose on/or after 24 months of age

3 doses of Hepatitis B1

1 dose of Varicella1,4 on/after 1st birthday or documentation of chickenpox

2 doses of Hepatitis A1 on/after 1st birthday; (at 43 months*)

Kindergarten – Sixth Grade   üAges 7 years and older, 3 doses of DTP containing vaccine with one dose on/after 4th birthday.

5 doses of DTP, DTaP, DT with one on/after 4th birthday OR 4 doses if one dose is on/after the 4th birthday

4 doses of Polio with one on/after 4th birthday OR 3 doses if one dose is on/after 4th birthday

2 doses of MMR1 on/after 1st birthday

3 doses of Hepatitis B1, 3

2 doses of Varicella1,4  on/after 1st birthday or documentation of chickenpox

2 doses of Hepatitis A1 on/after 1st birthday

 Seventh Grade- Tenth Grade

3 doses of DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap with one on/after 4th birthday, AND 1 dose of Tdap within the last 5 years for 7th grade ONLY or

within 10 years for 8th., 9th. & 10th. grades; Td is acceptable in lieu of Tdap if a contraindication to pertussis exists.

4 doses of Polio with one on/after 4th birthday OR 3 doses if one dose is on/after 4th birthday

2 doses of MMR1 on/after 1st birthday

3 doses of Hepatitis B1,3

2 doses of Varicella1,4 on/after 1st birthday or documentation of chickenpox

2 doses of Hepatitis A1 on/after 1st birthday

1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV or MenACWY) on or after the student’s 11th birthday

Eleventh – Twelfth Grade

3 doses of DTP, DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap with one on/after 4th birthday, AND 1 dose of Tdap is required within the last 10 years. Td is acceptable in lieu of Tdap if a contraindication to pertussis exists.

4 doses of Polio5 with one on/after 4th birthday OR 3 doses if one dose is on/after 4th birthday

2 doses of Measles1, 1 dose of Mumps1 and 1 dose of Rubella1 on/after the 1st birthday

3 doses of Hepatitis B1,3  

2 doses of Varicella1,4 on/after 1st birthday or documentation of chickenpox (4)

1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV or MenACWY) on or after the student’s 11th birthday

This chart summarizes the vaccine requirements in Title 25 Health Services, §§ 97.61-97.72 of the Texas Administrative Code. This chart is not intended as a substitute for consulting the Texas Administrative code, which has other provisions and details.$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=5&ti=25&pt=1&ch=97&sch=B&rl=Y

*Two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine are required at 43 months, some 3 yr. olds may have 1- 2 doses depending on their age.

**All vaccine doses administered up to and including 4 days before the minimum interval of age will satisfy school entry immunization requirements

1 Serologic confirmation of immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, or Varicella or serologic evidence of infection is acceptable in place of vaccine.

2 Other schedules may apply.

3 2 doses of adult formulation Hepatitis B (Recombivax) administered to a child 11-15 years old are acceptable if manufacturer and mL are clearly documented.

4 Previous chickenpox illness may be documented with a written statement from a physician, school nurse, or the child's parent or guardian containing wording such as: "This is to verify that (name of student) had chickenpox disease on or about (date) and does not need varicella vaccine." This written statement will be acceptable in place of any and all Varicella vaccine doses required.

5 Polio vaccine is not required for students 18 years or older.

NOTE: This Reference Guide MAY change depending on immunization requirement changes made by DSHS after the revision date.

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Revised 5/2/2019