Health and Wellness
Mission Statement & Health Information
The mission of the Health Services Department is to work hand in hand with the district, advising the SISD board of trustees on the development and implementation of successful, coordinated school health programs.
The vision of the SISD School Nurses is to promote the health and wellness of all school-age children so that they are healthy, ready to learn, and be prepared to make healthy life-long choices.
Information and forms for parents are listed in the links on the right side of the webpage.
Unassigned Opioid Antagonists
Unassigned Opioid Antagonists: In accordance with Chapter 38, Subchapter E of the Education Code, the board has adopted a policy to allow authorized and trained school personnel at each campus that serves students in grades 6-12 to administer an opioid antagonist, such as Narcan or Naloxone, to an individual who is reasonably believed to be experiencing an opioid-related drug overdose. One or more authorized and trained individuals will be present on each campus subject to this policy during regular school hours.
We are proud to partner with GermBlast® for the 2024-2025 school year.